Anyone using Duelund VSF capacitor in Merlin VSM

Has anyone experience from using these capacitors in Merlin speakers.
I have a smaller room perfectly sized for my Merlin VSM-MX.
I just love them and wonder if they could be improved.
I use tube throughout system apart from Meridian CD player.

Many Thanks!

Thanks for the detailed explanation. Can you discuss the new switching power supply that is quieter than the previous one used? How significant is its contribution to the phenomenal sound of the MBAM?


jim, imo, the new and quieter supply takes a hint of false brightness out of the music so it becomes less complicated sounding. it is in reality 50 times quieter than the old one. it allows complex material to sound more resolved while coming from a blacker back ground. it is interesting that the ac ops and dc ops are again closer in absolute sound quality. do you think cells have a memory?
do you think having them charged by a quieter ac supply could affect how they sound?
i cannot say for sure but i have a feeling that this is one of the things that you heard in the master bam.

best, b

Thanks for the explanation. Whatever it is, I'm liking it..........a lot :-)
Joneill, I recently placed a Russian FT-1 cap on RC network, very nice, takes a bit of hardness off mids and highs. I then added these as bypasses on 6.0uf Hovland tweeter caps, more of that Hovland hardness eliminated.This mod together with the Duelunds in BAM make the Merlins more musical, timbre much more natural. I no longer feel the need to immediately replace the Hovland tweeter cap with Duelunds, I could be happy staying right here!
sns, what is your system comprised of?
pre, power, source and cables? bi-wire or single run?