Anyone using Duelund VSF capacitor in Merlin VSM

Has anyone experience from using these capacitors in Merlin speakers.
I have a smaller room perfectly sized for my Merlin VSM-MX.
I just love them and wonder if they could be improved.
I use tube throughout system apart from Meridian CD player.

Many Thanks!
sns, what is your system comprised of?
pre, power, source and cables? bi-wire or single run?
sns, is your cardas speaker cable an internal bi-wire or shotgun? are you using my jumpers?
vsm millenniums were a little bright so we changed the q circuit in the hf, the solder, cryoed the main networks, cryoed the rcs and changed the wiring harnesses. even the woofers cones have more latex damping material on them.
the super bam changed things a whole lot for the better as well. cryoed hovlands are a world apart from the non cryoed versions in the m. the speakers are anything but bright in current production.
good luck!
bobby at merlin
Hi Bobby,

My system is comprised of highly modified Perp. TEch digital, Vpi Scoutmaster with 10.5i arm, modded Joule LA100MkIII, Art Audio Carissa Signature, all Cardas Golden Ref. cabling, single run of speaker (bi-wiring), AC power-dedicated and
modded BPT 3.5 sig. All i's dotted and t's crossed in system.

I do have the millenium, non-cryo'd Hovlands. Based on my experience with cryo'd parts I assume much of the hardness is taken care of with the cryo process. I also upgraded the batteries and non-leaded power cord on my SBAM, also TX2575 resistors replacing Caddocks. I use the Cardas non-leaded solder in all my upgrades.

Taken in totality my upgrades have made a great speaker even better. Added resolution, transparency together with more natural timbre has made for an enrapturing musical experience! I would suggest all Merlin owners need to hear your Master Bam upgrade, Duelunds are simply magical.

Bobby, it is good you listen to your customers, it's obvious your keyed into your customer base, one won't be misled going with your upgrades.

Thanks, Scott
thank you very much scott,
the .01 caps i use in the rc network are made specially for me by duelund. the value, voltage and dielectric are proprietary.
this is another really big step forward for you imho.
this location seems to be very critical also.
best regards,
bobby at merlin