what has a Thiel soundstage, but more sensitivity?

i need new speakers, but i'm hooked on the Thiel sound. the only thing is, i think they strain my amp a bit too much, and i love my amp and don't wanna change that. =) [price limit for speaker upgrade 2000 Euro]

Pass Labs Aleph 5
ML 28 Preamp
marantz cd6000
PS audio DLIII DAC - [i love this box!!]
Thiel CS 0.5

i think this system would really breathe alot better with some more sensitive speakers, but i am simply in love with the big, beautiful Thiel soundstage. i know the CS0.5 are small, and i could and probably will go bigger since i believe the Aleph would prefer something with more sensitive drivers.

so, Audiogoners, what are your expert opinions?
Your Thiel CS0.5 are 87db sensitivity / 4ohm nominal (3.2ohm min)impedance and are fine with your 60 wpc Pass Aleph 5 but probably challenge the amps on dynamic peaks a tad. If you like Thiel, then you can try the CS1.6 (entry level floor stander), which is a 90db sensitivity speaker with similar impedance characterisitics to the CS0.5. It should be more easy to drive than your CS0.5. They are in the $2600 range new here in the US but don't know pricing in Europe. The other suggestion is JM Focal 1007Be monitor speakers which is an 89db/8ohm nominal (3.2ohm min) speaker. Should be much easier to drive given the more forgiving impedance rating. Highly resolving like the Thiel and soundstages/images very nicely. More pricey than the Thiel CS1.6 but you may be able to get them within your budget used. Good luck.
Triangle speakers perhaps?

I only have small Triangle monitors but they are most resolving and transparent and I run them effectively in a typical modern family room off a 20w/ch vintage yamaha receiver (with a separate powered sub).

I've heard Focal Profiles also and those have a lot of the same strengths as well.
I scrapped my 1.2's in favor of Coincidents. Very similar sound and much easier to drive.