Help building new system: devore, verity or Sonus?

I'm getting a dedicated room for my gear, but the room is tiny, at 11.5' by 11.5' with about 9.5' ceiling.

I've been listening and reading up on a lot of speakers and the one's I'm most curious about are Devore Fidelity's The Nines or Super 8s, Verity Audio Finn (possibly Rienzi) and the Sonus Faber Liuto.

My current system is a McIntosh MA6600 with Dali MS4 Euphonia's, Clearaudio Turntable, and MHDT DAC with Mac Mini and Denon 3910, and Harmonic Tech. cables. I listen to folk, singer-songwriter, jazz, classical, female vocals, classic and indie rock, as well as solo guitar work. I Prefer smaller scale groups and intimate recordings.

My previous experience with the Dali's in a small room makes me feel they will be too much. I will treat the room as best I can, but WAF is a big issue.

I want to build my system around my speakers, and am in the NYC area, so can demo a lot. I'd prefer to buy from a dealer probably. I am looking to build a system that is very natural sounding and has some life and emotion to it, with no listener fatigue. I like: nice, taut, round bass that isn't boomy, muddy, or over-pronounced; sweet highs that are neither syrupy nor hyper-detailed and analytical; lush but not over-romantic mids.

I'd like to spend under $7,000 on the speakers. What do you guys think about the McIntosh with the speakers I listed? I am happy with the McIntosh, but would consider changing to something else if I found it didn't pair best. It's a small room so don't want anything that runs super hot.

Any other speakers I should try out? Any particular speaker/integrated amp combos you guys love?

Sorry this is so long, and thanks in advance for the help!
That's a pretty small room for large speakers.You might want to think about some good monitors.Also,a square room is a lot,boomier,for lack of a better word.With your budget you can get an excellent pair of monitors and stands.The most important thing is this,don't let someone else pick your speakers for you,you will more than likely be disappointed in the long run.Use your ears,after all,you are the one who will have to live with them.Just a thought.Good luck with your system rebuild.
You might want to check out the DeVores and Verity @ In Living Stereo in Manhattan. Either would be very good for your application. You can also audition with Shindo amplification which pairs well with the DeVores, especially given your listening preferences.

Good luck!
I have owned and/or still own speakers from all three makers in which you have expressed interest. I have used Verity Fidelio Encores, Sonus Faber Auditor M's, and Verity Tamino's in my secondary system. That room is 13' x 19' and the speakers were necessarily positioned on the long wall. I listed those speakers from most preferred to least preferred WHEN PLACED IN AN APPROPRIATE ROOM. I really love the FE's but they just overpowered that room and I will soon be selling them. I believe the DeVore 9's and even the Verity Finn's would also overpower your room, given its small size. The SF's and the Tamino's worked really well in that room, especially the Tamino's, and so I ultimately went with the Tamino's in that room. They are an excellent fit sonically and musically for that room/system. I believe that monitors would be your best bet in your even smaller room. I highly recommend that you audition the new DeVore Fidelity 3XLs. They are cheaper than the Tamino's, Finn's, Rienzi's, SF Auditor M's, and DF 9's, but I have found them to be more musically engaging than any of those speakers.

Enjoy the journey!
If I were you I would try SH Sonus Faber Guarneri or Avalon Symbol N (fantastic speakers).