Seasons greetings fellow A'goner.B&W speakers are usually a pretty safe bet with Rotel electronics.You could start with something in the new 6 series & some decent Bi-Wire cables for less than $1000.00 new, or if so inclined invest in something REALLY good that you could grow into like the 705's which I see for sale here for around $1000.00 in gently loved condition(plus get some decent Bi-Wire cables BUT don't go crazy).Another option might be a pair of Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grands,ABSOLUTELY stunning fit & finish with a beautiful,organic sound that should mate well with the Rotel.Although EVERYONE is going to tell you they are 4 ohm speakers & a very tough load I have spoken with Sumiko & have been assured that although they are 4 ohm speakers they have a very gentle impeadance curve & are fairly efficient & should NOT be a problem for any decent amp(unless you listen VERY LOUD).1 more thing,take Rlwainwrights advice above & save some money for GOOD recordings.The more resolving your system gets the WORSE some cd's are going to sound,that is your going to here how they are actually mixed which can sometimes be really bad.Most important,have fun with the process & enjoy the music.