Help with Totems

Help me with the Totem lineup. Is the Arro or Staff the lower model? Please describe the sound differences if you are in the know. Thanks
Have owned the Arros and now the Hawks. The Arros are a surprisingly articulate speaker and image very well IMO. In the right room they produce a good deal of bass relative to it's size. I auditioned the Staffs prior to purchasing the Arros and found them to be a little more laid back with a slightly warmer sound. I now own the Hawks which I believe have a superior bass to both, tighter with greater extension. The Hawks present a good soundstage that when I audtioned them prior to purchase extended well beyond the speaker cabinet. As I have read so often here YMMV.
Rbstehno . . . how do you speak with such authority about Sttafs if you haven't owned them?

I have Sttafs and Mani-2's. The Sttafs are my second pair and are an irresistible speaker. I have not compared them to Arro's so can't describe the difference. In a small (ie ~ 12x12')room, they are amazing - including bass performance (you look around for the subwoofer). They throw a sound stage well beyond the room walls, and while they aren't as articulate as the Mani-2's, they cost less than half, and can't be faulted as in-articulate in my opinion.

They are indeed a warm speaker. If you pair them with a good sub in a larger room they blow you away.
i auditioned the staff speakers in my house using my equipment while i was debating on the arros. i liked the arros better. all that i remember is that the staff were not exciting compared to the arros and compared to the model 1's that i had in another setup, the staff fell short. just like i have compared the older winds to the mani's using the same gear/room/etc.. and preferred the mani's. if you spend enough time with a speaker and you compare it with something else using the same room/equipment, you can get a good feel on how you like them and how they compare to something else.
i would agree with you if i used different rooms and gear and had days even hours between listening sessions, then that would be a mistake.
Since i sold my arros, i have tried to buy another pair a few times for my den, but i have not considered listening to the staff again. that is the kind of taste the staff left me in.
The Arro's are quicker, throw out a wider sound-stage, and are generally tend to sound more forward along the treble.

The Sttaf's have a fuller sound, possess a deeper sound-stage, and tend to have more of a warmer presentation.

Both speakers respond real well to (good) tube electronics and gear from the likes of Unison Research, Naim, Blue Circle Audio, Monarchy Audio, etc..

I tend to prefer the Sttaf because its the more versatile speaker in the genres of music it can handle. I also like a warmer sound. Then again, that is nothing more than my preference. Both speakers are excellent.