Classical music speaker recs for small room?


I'm currently in the market for a pair of good classical music speakers that are under $500 and for a room roughly 120 square feet.

I don't intend to live in this box forever, which is why I don't want to invest in something bigger/more expensive. But---how can I put this---Altec-Lansing and Schubert aren't really on the best of terms right now, and I need a huge upgrade in order to make at least one of them happy (schubert).

I primarily listen to classical---especially newer music with sharp, percussive attacks; piano music; and the standard orchestral fare. Next on the list would be experimental/electronic music, jazz, bluegrass, etc. For what it's worth, I'm a classical musician myself and tend to be fairly picky when it comes to these things.

The Paradigm Atom V5 and PSB Alpha B have been recommended, but I'm willing to spend up to $500 and would welcome any recommendations in that ballpark. Also, I'm willing to get something a little too big for this space so that they can be of SOME use when I finally decide to move...

A million thanks,
The new PSB B6 is nice.

NEW: Silveline Minuets

USED: Meadowlark Kestrals (the original) or Klipsch Heresys or KG4's

Bonus: all of the above can be used with tubed amps which lend themselves to classical IMHO
I would recommend used Triangle Comete ESs which are hot the newest model but can be bought for about $ 500. They are coherent from top to bottom and are easy to drive and sound great with all music but really great with classical. I have two pair plus the larger Celius and recently bought a pair of Cometes here for $465. Hard to beat at any price.