Quad or Magnepan?

Dear friends,

Thinking about taking the plunge and follow the other route to audio nirvana. So instead of cones and domes, electrostatics and planars maybe.

I am using a Ref3a Grand Veena but am considering a Maggie 3.6 or a Quad 2905.

Need your sincere advice, am I downgrading or making the wiser move. If it is the right way, which would you prefer? Maggies or Quad?

Thanks as always.
you must supply room size and amp used. Can you put the speakers 5 feet out into the room? That is the minimum for Maggies in my experience and Quads like a bit of breathing room as well.

I can not help you compare them to the Grand Veena as I have not heard them...
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I can confirm Elizabeth's comments, Magnepans do flourish when the volume is turned up. Many users have commented that Magenpans don't "rock" but I have found that to be untrue. They can play chamber music and rock music with equal aplomb.