Von Schweikert or Westlake Audio

I am choosing between the Von Schweikert VR 4SR MK3 or the Westlake BBSM-10 VNF.Can anyone tell me which speakers would sound more dynamic n refined overall?I mean better bass control n better resolution in the mid n high?Is Plinius SA Reference a good amp to go along with these speakers?
Bebopman, I have heard both; the VS at a freind's home and the Westlake at a customer's studio. Between these two choices I would personally opt for the VS.

The Westlake is a good studio monitor but I don't find it very engaging or exciting. Lots of detail, yes. But not nearly as muscially involving as the VS; at least to my ears.
Thanks for the infomation.Have u any idea what amp n pream your friend was using to drive his VS.Do VS speakers required a lot of power to control the bass.
Von Schweickerts love good clean power - the Plinius SA Reference should work well. Many VSA owners end up monoblocking or bi-amping for best results.