Why does my tube amp

Why does my 60wpc Jolida 3502s tube amp drive my speakers much better than 110 lb ss amps? My speakers are Psb platinum T8s 88db and 4 ohms. Its opposite of what i expected,tons of bass,not bright at all just right. I guess shouldnt have been looking out the window during electronics class. Thanks Ted
I feel very comfortable in my Subaru XV Crosstrek. More comfortable than in Mercedes Benz E350, but I doubt that I can outrun E350 with Subaru XV.
What is the 110 lb gorilla, I mean SS amp, being compared?

Also what kind of music are we talking about? Any electronic rock/pop music with a lot of bass? Or big band or large scale high quality classical recordings? how loud do you listen?

Those are the things that will often push the limits of what a good quality lower power tube amp can do with speakers that represent a tougher load.

I am not saying teh PSBs are a harder load necessarily. I have heard PSBs running off similar power tube amps from ARC and Rogue and the results were quite good.
"More comfortable than in Mercedes Benz E350, but I doubt that I can outrun E350 with Subaru XV."

If its snowing, you can. Quite easily.
Well, for one thing comparing watts to weight is not a valid way to compare amps. Probably comparing watts to watts would be a better way to go. What are these secret SS amps you are referring to and what is their power rating?

Two things to consider are 1, the input sensitivity of the tube amp might be higher (which does not correspond to output power directly), and 2, a lot of folks drive tube amps into clipping regularly because they know their soft clipping will not hurt their speakers the way solid-state clipping distortion will.

Did you just get the 3502s; I didn't know they were available yet? What type of output tubes are you using in them?
It is my first tube amp and i shouldnt name the makes if its my fault but one amp was silver and looked like a Maico 400, and i had to tote about 2 million 600 thousand pounds of block to buy it. I listen to mostly rock from the 70s to present.

The music just has more weight. Ive tried solid state pre amps also. Now i have a Bat VK-51SE and have not heard the Bat descibed as thin. Ive also tried 1000 wpc into 4 0hms class D amps so i guess i like tubes. I used EL 34s and KT-150s and they both sound good. Im sure you guys can tell by my typing that i used to skip school and listen to my cr2020 yamaha reciever and NS1000 speakers, and at 54 yrs old im still a Mason Tender ouch. Thanks Ted