New Magnepan 1.7 R

Did anyone else see the CNET article about the new Maggie's? It's a true ribbon 2 way speaker, wow. I had not heard anything about these anywhere before, or seen them at a show. Was the whole mini Maggie testing last year really about these?

I may have to break down and try these.

Any thoughts, or better yet, anyone on here who actully heard/saw them during the testing??
I just checked this thread, and I must reveal that my last post on this was at my house about 10:30 pm on New Year's eve, after about 10 glasses of the best Sangria I have ever had.

I don't know why this is, but a friend from the neighborhood, who is a CardioThorasic surgeon makes the best Sangria on earth, and even though I never drink that stuff, his recipe is highly addictive. I think he tosses in some other phamacuticals.

Anyway, I will blame my condemnation of that post regarding the latest Chinese made box speaker on my inability to hold my liquor. It's a curse and a blessing. It keeps me from drinking too much.

Anyway, I'm not going to argue if the Magnepan 1.6qr was better than some generic box speaker someone bought, or probably sells, what model and brand was that? Oh yeah, Bose 601's, or something like that.

I don't dislike box speakers per say, and some versions such as higher end B & W's, Wilson's, Harbeth's, Paradigm's of all level, and even the Definitive Technologies, and many others not named do their jobs incredibly well. I actually love horn speakers of all kinds as well. But since the first time I heard planar speaker I thought, and still do, that they reproduce music much more realistically than any box speaker can.

The statement that any speaker just blows away another, especially one of the seminal models of all time such as the Magnepan 1.6qr, not just my opinion, is ignorant at best. I don't really care about how they were set up, or what the circumstances, I don't believe that.

Also, hijacking a thread regarding a specific item like this shows a certain insecurity. I don't know of any Maggie owner/fan who would read the post regarding some generic Chinese made speaker announcement and comment how Maggies blow them away. One reason that would not happen, and is telling of not just the status, but the ability of the generic speaker, is that it is not any type of event when they come out with a new speaker.

So keep your Bose 601's, I'm sure they sound great to you, I'll continue to be excited, along with many others in the audio community about the new Magnepans.
Macdadtexas, you must still be drunk. I owned Maggies for 8 years and I added my comments based on experience. I don't care if you or millions of other people like them, they were mediocre at best for me. Maybe I should rephrase my comment. "Usher CP-6371's do not smash Magnepan 1.6's" - But rather in my house, with my components, with my ears, they outperform the Magnepan's in every respect without any doubt. I'm not a dealer by any means, I can also tell you that my proacs are much more enjoyable than the Magnepans and also my Audio Physic are much more engaging. Again, not to get your panties in a bunch, but this is my personal experience. I also had Gallo ref 3's which got sold because they could not perform as well as the Ushers. For everyone out there that owns and loves Magnepans, good for you. The goal is to find components that make you enjoy the hobby (even if they are "generic chinese made speakers." One last thing about my experience with the 1.6.; rock music sounded extremely weak, even with a sub.
Fruff1976, it took eight years for you to decide the Magnaplanars weren't the speakers for you? I admire someone who doesn't make snap judgments. :-)

01-03-10: Narrod
Fruff1976, it took eight years for you to decide the Magnaplanars weren't the speakers for you? I admire someone who doesn't make snap judgments. :-)

As you know they are one of the most recommended and highly praised speakers, period. When I bought them in 2000, I didn't know how long it would be before I could ever afford a pair of $1600 speakers again so I went with the extreme hype and bought them. It took a long time to get enough money to buy something new without having to sell the magnepans. Once I brought the new speakers home I finally realized what I was missing and sold the 1.6 without hesitation. I think I was more in denial for a long time thinking it was everything else in the system. Luckily I now have 3 pairs of speakers that I don't have to jerk around with placement all the time.
Never heard a Magnepan sound terrible. Maybe not optimum but never outright terrible. Also, the horror stories of placement and huge amplifiers needed for them are GREATLY exagerated in my opinion. They just need GOOD amplifiers.
As far as the new, I can hardly wait to hear them
just like everyone else!

To qualify, I am a Magnepan dealer so have SOME bias but have enjoyed their unique and natural way with music for many many years before I had the good fortune to have them in my shop.