Best pre-amp/amp combo for Maggie MMGs?

Getting some used MMGs. Wondering what preamps and amps people are using together with the MMGs. Any suggestions on subwoofers would be appreciated too.

I have to start with either (or both) Aragon 4004 and Parasound HCA 800 power amps. Was thinking a tube line stage would be nice or maybe even the Shanling MC-30 would work well (with power amp) Thank you in advance for your input.
I have AES Six Pacs with a Cary SLP-98, that works well for me with my MMGs. It sounds like you are on the right track with the gear you are looking at. I use a stereo pair of HSU 10 inch subs, way better than my Velodyne HGS 12. You are on the right track.

Thanx, Russ
I'm using a Forte F-40 (Vintage Audio modification) and I am very pleased with it. But the preamp has a dramatic effect on the sound. You need to give us more an idea of your tastes and listening room so that we can provide useful suggestions.