Noob Planar Speaker Advice Needed

My system

Pre/Pro: B&k ref30 (sigh)
Amp: I'm considering an Aragon 4004mkII

Speakers Choices
a) Martin Logans (SL3, clarity, or cls iiz)
b) Magnepan 1.6
C) Eminent Technology LFT8

The cls iiz i've come to understand perform better with tubes. Any comments on these combos or possibilities in the same price range?

(my listening space is poor - and large 15x20 2 story room with an open side wall. But I don't want to try to limit my speaker choice to optimize the room as the room will not be forever. I listen to a little less then half music, little more then half HT - but the sound quality for music is far more important to me. What i want, and have never had, are mids the blow me away - something to make female vocals shine. Hope that's enough on preferences to generate some feedback).

I think your room is just fine.
However, true "panel" (dipole) speakers can be of three basic kinds:
Electrostatic (MartinLogan, ET, Acoustat, Soundlab)
Electrodynamic (Magneplanar)
Full-range ribbon (Apogee)

They're all technically planar dipoles (flat, and radiating both front and back) but that's where any similarities end -- both in terms of sonics as well as the equipment necessary to drive each kind optimally. So you need to do some auditioning and reading so you get clear on their differences. You will definitely discover you prefer one type (and maybe one brand) over the others; but this is not the time to solicit recommendations, since you haven't yet discovered which of the three types suit you best.

I can tell you this: If you like the sound of Maggies, you probably won't like the sound of (any) electrostats as much, and vice versa. And if you like the sound of a full-range planar ribbon like the Apogee, you won't like either stats OR planar magnetics ;--) If you can't decide, you haven't listened enough ;--)

In the meantime you can click on my 'System' link to see how my CLS-IIz system has evolved over the last 20 years ;--)
A tube amp would be my first choice with any electrostatic speakers. Tubes with electrostats tend to have a very nice mid range. I own SL3s and until very recently used a Audio Research VT100 mk3 to drive them. This is a very nice combination. I really like the SL3s. The Martin Logan cls iiz are nice but they need stands and I think more power than the SL3s. The clarity seem small for your room. The Maggie's are also very nice but were not an option for me. I have not heard the Eminent Technology LFT8 speakers. I did hear the Maggie's driven by an Ayre amp and preamp. This seemed like a nice combo also but it was at a dealer and very poorly setup. The Aragon would not be my choice to drive electrostats but it has been a long time since I have heard one.
If you're looking for midrange, why not consider Quad? I had Quad 988's with the Aragon amp and it was a great combination. I think that amp is great bang for the buck!