Noob Planar Speaker Advice Needed

My system

Pre/Pro: B&k ref30 (sigh)
Amp: I'm considering an Aragon 4004mkII

Speakers Choices
a) Martin Logans (SL3, clarity, or cls iiz)
b) Magnepan 1.6
C) Eminent Technology LFT8

The cls iiz i've come to understand perform better with tubes. Any comments on these combos or possibilities in the same price range?

(my listening space is poor - and large 15x20 2 story room with an open side wall. But I don't want to try to limit my speaker choice to optimize the room as the room will not be forever. I listen to a little less then half music, little more then half HT - but the sound quality for music is far more important to me. What i want, and have never had, are mids the blow me away - something to make female vocals shine. Hope that's enough on preferences to generate some feedback).

I have never heard Eminent Technology but have heard other models from Martin logan and Magnepan.

Martin Logan:
I found that for the Martin logan Summit x and Spire sound very good. The Spire seemed like a very good buy. They are fast and very clean with stunning highs. BUT all models under them came up pretty short. The Vantage and purity were just bad IMO of course. The bass did not blend well with the rest of the speaker. The Purity was unlistenable for me. The bass was a big blob and the mids sounded like a different speakers.

With that being said all the Logan's had great midranges and vocals with amazing inner detail. I have never heard the CLS,CLX but I am sure they are great.


I just listened to the Magnepans (1.6, 3.6, and 20.1) for the first time yesterday on all Mcintosh gear. They were all really great. They were balanced, had very good detail and a very good soundstage. The bass was very detailed but not hard hitting on the 1.6 and 3.6. The 20.1 ($13,000) had lots of bass...

The 1.6 would be a good buy used. If you are going to buy them new I would wait for the 1.7s to come out. They are just around the corner and should be a big step up over the 1.6. My only concern would be that the 1.6s would not have enough bass to fill your large room but I don't know. The mids/vocals are very good. They filled the room and made the singers sound very realistic . The mids had lots of body and warmth (on the Mcintosh gear).

Magnepan vs Martin logan: (note these are general statements related to the lower end Martin Logan and Magnepans).

I would choose the Magnepans in your price range. They will be much less tricky to set (opposed to cone panel combo of logans) up and more coherent top to bottom. The Magnepans lack some of the speed and transparency in the mids compared to the logans but if you did not hear them back to back you would never know what you were missing. The sweet spot is much larger on the magnepans (still a little small compared to cone speakers) than on the Martin logans in general. Near or far field listening seem to work fine on the Magnepans while you need some space to get the bass to blend well with the mids on the Martin Logans.

Anyway these statements are just my opinion and you should go listen for your self. Good luck and enjoy the music!
I had Maggie 1.6's with VTL MB250 (triode) monoblocks. In front of all that I had a Copland 303 preamp with an Arcam FMJ CD23 player. The system had plenty of dig to it and didn't lack at all in bass response. The midrange was gorgeous and the presentation was holographic.

Just my take on it all...
If you have any inclination to DIY, I’d suggest considering John Kreskovsky’s NaO Mini. The NaO Mini will give you the air and openness of the stats and maggies, but have dynamics closer to a box speaker. Most of the people that have built the NaOs are former stat and Maggie owners.

I’ve heard or owned various planar speakers over the years, including Quads, MLs, and maggies, and my NaO IIts are the best all around performance dipole speaker that I have heard.

You’ll get clean and open mids (yeah, female vocals are great), while also having tight, punchy bass that will “shake the floor” when needed for HT. The NaO Mini only needs one, moderate power, stereo amp.

The build is very simple. Even if you needed a cabinetmaker/woodworker’s help, the cost would be no more than those you mentioned. However, the Mini’s performance would probably be more comparable to a much more expensive speaker.
I appreciate a feedback.

(I tried a post on the HT forum 1st and just was not getting what i needed from that)

Choice by auditioning: I wish i could drive around an audition speakers - but im married with little kids and thats just not going to fly. The used market keeps its value so i am going to buy something based on recommendations and sell it if im not happy.

Maggie 1.7s: I'd love to try them out... but they will only be had new for awhile and i cant afford 2k for them.

Recommendations vs Budget: I appreciate all the recommendations. Many of them have been outside of my price range though. I have a little over 2k to spend on speakers + amp.

Any more thoughts?

"I have a little over 2k to spend on speakers + amp."

Martin Logan SL3 and an Odyssey Stratos Amp.