Paradigm Mini Monitors v.5

Does anyone have an opinion on the Paradigm Mini v.5's?
Thinking of getting these, over spending two times more
for the B&W 685's.

Listen to: Rock (all decades), Electronic (not dance), 60's/70's jazz, folk, and classical (mostly on vinyl).

Any help appreciated.

I have the Studio series 10 ver 5 in my office. I am very familiar with the B&W product. Night and day. Paradigm costs a lot less too.
Can't comment on the v.5, but I had the v.3. Great speakers, especially for rock. Big bass for a bookshelf, but boomy. I demoed the 685s when replacing my Minis, and found them to be better--tighter and more refined--but not that much better.
Thanks everyone. I think it's turning out to be the Paradigm's.
I demo'd the two and even thought the B&W's sounded better; only slightly. The slight difference wasn't enough for me to cough up twice as much, plus no dealer was going under $650.00.

Now someone told me to check out the Wharfedale Diamond 9.1. Oi! Decisions!

Wharfedale has much better frequency response than the 685s. Also, the new Wharfedale 10 series has magnetic speaker grills, great freq response and is IMHO a better deal than the 685s. Wish I had known about them last August...