SHOW attendees: please post speaker reports here

Seeing a few random responses in other threads, but thought it would be nice if we could have a single thread to try to consolidate at least a "best of" compilation of speaker impressions. All cost ranges. All of us "stay at home" agoners would appreciate it. Thanks much.
John Devore's new speaker the Orangatang, Gershman/Vac, Venture, Kings Sound Prince II, Rockports (over at the Mirage), Sanders Sound.
@ Jeffkad
They where showing off the The Klimt Serries "The Music" They sound and look amazing.
Surferjoe, it was the Music and not the new smaller klimt? I've heard the Music at Stereo Exchange in NY, and although a flawed room that robbed them of bass, they seem to have something special going on. I like the single driver over 7-8 octave approach I think. As a maggie fan that can't fit them, I think this single driver plus woofer concept and the open baffle like NOLA and Legacy capture some of the maggie magic. Was Legacy there?
I thought the worst sound at CES was the Magico (too bright) and the Soundlabs (dull,dull,dull) Vandersteens (just so so), YG Acoustics (way too rich) I liked the Mag. 1.7 but would like to have heard them without the center speaker. My favorite was the Revolver Cygnis speaker in the May Audio Room with Reimyo. I also liked the Trenner and Friedl RA box speaker which was with the Basis turntable (ugly speaker but great sound). I also liked the Wilson Speakers in the Lamm room. First time I ever liked those speakers. Teresonic Ingenium Silver (Lowther DX4 Driver) sounded great. Sanders speaker sounded good. Kings Sound King II sounded good. Tad room just so so, much better last year.