SHOW attendees: please post speaker reports here

Seeing a few random responses in other threads, but thought it would be nice if we could have a single thread to try to consolidate at least a "best of" compilation of speaker impressions. All cost ranges. All of us "stay at home" agoners would appreciate it. Thanks much.
my favorites--

*tidal contriva+ypsilon.
*boulder+jm lab maestro
*yg acoustics anat ref.+krell.
Bob, The uber-Hansens were spectacular with Tenor amps. However, their looks necessitate having a wife very large on top and of small bottom to achieve balance.
While I didn't dislike the big Hansens' sound, the cosmetics are debatable. Their lack of mirror imaging (woofers) is troubling. The imaging was dramatically better in the sweet spot (single chair up front). For $239,000?

The Rockport Alyas showed potential, but they weren't broken in and the room was too large for them, hence they were rather thin and bright. Andy Payor is a gifted designer, and his speakers start and stop on a dime.