Rockport Mira VS Verity Parsifal Ovation

Right now I'm considering between these two gem as my new pair for this year. I can get them for about the same price range so only sounds that matters. My current pair is Avalon Eclipse powered by Spectral DMA 180 if this can be used as reference.

I'm kinda leaning to Parsifal but I've heard a lot of good things about Mira and I really like how it looks like.
Unfortunately, I can't witness neither of these myself due to circumstances in Thailand. Mira isn't promisingly good deal for dealer to make a sale (shipping overseas while margin is quite low this). Parsifal is no where near to in-home audition unless customers make up their minds to purchase any items in store.

For myself, I could hardly believe designing bass woofer on back can bring such resolving and clean sound with good imaging and transparency. I might be wrong though but I think Parsifal should have better staging and Mira should have better transparency. I'm huge fan of Avalon but I can't afford to focus on only classical without juice to rock now.

I wish I could buy both. It's not like I can't have both but I have one pair of ears and one rig to shine.
For amplifier, I use Spectral DMA 180 S2. I also think it matches Mira better than Parsifal.....hmmm... why did I lean to Parsifal in the first place? I forget it now.
Windowsx...remember, the bass frequencies are omnidirectional so there orientation whether pointing bacwards, forwards, or on the side should not affect transparency in any way. Also, on the Parsifals, the bass modules are flexible so you can have them pointing bacwards or forwards. So if your room forces you to place speakers fairly close to the rear wall and the bass module pointing bacward is resulting in too much bass, you can point them forward. In this regard the Parsifals are a bit more flexible in terms of speaker placement than the Miras. At the very least, you should go listen to the Parsifals at a dealer's store to get an idea of what they sound like (this is the dealer in Bangkok: If you read the reviews on the speaker, you will see that one of their strengths is how transparent they are. And imaging/soundstaging is superb.

As for the Miras, Rockport's web site says they are distributed by in Bangkok. You should definitely go listen to them at that dealer. This dealer does not have Spectral amplification but they do have Karan Acoustic SS amps, which are also very very good and I expect will be a good match with the Rockport Miras. Check both of them out and let us know how you decide to proceed. Good luck.
I agree, Cmalak has an excellent grasp/review of both speakers.
I am partial to the Parsifals since I own a pair of Encores. Interestingly, I owned 2 pair of Avalon Eclipses and enjoyed them.
Last year, I heard the big Rockports at CES. They were one of the best speakers I listened to, no doubt. This year I did not see or hear them. I am not familiar with the Miras.
The Veritys do everything exceedingly well. Soundstage, imaging, timbre, articulate well tuned bass. In my room I have the bass backfiring, mainly for looks. I think the bass was a tad better front firing but not so much as to remain so. it would be a shame not to show the fine Makore finish.
They are powered by a VAC 80/80. Very affordable tube amp and excellent synergy.
I was on the hunt once I heard the Parsifals at a friends house. He is an avid audiophile with a world class MBL system, but the Parsifuls, IMHO, are my preference for being in the room with the musicians, feeling the emotion of the performance.
Again, the Rockports, the ones I heard last year, are superb, but I think the Parsifals offer more options (amplification, room placement).
Of course, you should listen to both before spending this kind of money.
Either way I'm sure you'll be happy.
Let us know how this turns out.

If you have the budget and can stretch a bit, I vote for the Rockport Ankaas. They are absolutely the best bang for the buck in Rockport's line. It's extremely extended and integrated in the bass/midrange, throws a massive soundstage (if room acoustics allow), images superbly, and sounds very close to live music. The cabinet construction is on another level from the Mira as well, which I think alone is worth the extra price.

If you look at cost/performance, I think the Ankaas are it.

Personally I like some substance/heft on the speakers. Verity likes smaller/slimmer profiles which is a different direction.