Merlin Tsm Static/ crackle from right channel

I have isolated to the one speaker.... just short of shipping back to Bobby.... What could have happened?
So you think the noise is originating at the speaker itself? Have you tried swapping the speaker cables (right swapped with left, either at amp end or speaker end) to see if the sound moves over to the opposite speaker or remains with the same one? If it is indeed in the speaker, the crossover would be the first place I'd look if it were a sound as you describe, but if you haven't swapped sides yet I would not assume it was in the speakers.
what amp are you using? the filarmonia? could be one of the tubes. call or email bobby.
jax and nm are correct. reverse the channels of the speaker cable and if the noise moves to the other speaker, the fault is the amp or before it. if it stays in the same speaker, disconnect the jumpers and hook the speaker wire to the woofer and then to the tweeter to locate the faulty driver. what amp are you using? a tube amp?
only one source? have you tried reversing the channels of the source to see if the problem stays or moves to the other channel?