Harbeth HLP3ESR

Anyone heard these new baby harbeths ? how are they compared to the HLP3es2 ?
Can these be driven harder than the previous model?
Would appreciate some inputs.
I have heard these but have not listened to the older HLP3ES2. I have listened to many bookshelves. PMC, Dynaudio C1, 1.3MkII, Proacs, B&Ws, Sonus Fabers, Marten Dukes, Totem Model 1. While each have their own sound signature and special in their own ways, I find the P3ESR to somehow possess a very musical, organic and easy-going sound without losing any details. They seem to communicate the essence of music more effectively compared to the rest, to my ears. I can definitely listen to these for endless of hours unlike some speakers mentioned above due to their extremely low listening fatigue. A friend of mine who owns the 40.1 was so smitten with the P3ESR that he got himself a pair while few other pairs of monitors keep stacking in his storeroom.

As for P3ES2 vs P3ESR, the thread below might be of interest to you.

I have not heard the P3ES2 but did jump all over a pair of P3ESR'S that were listed this past Thursday here on A'gon! (thanks Karl) I've been in front of them since.
Ryder has got it right-no listening fatigue here.
The Harbeth link above will have you reading for hours.
A better idea would be a serious audition.
They replaced Spendor S3e's which are no slouches.
The P3ESR was a nice up-grade but it took months to find a pair used and local. It was worth the wait.
Also, why would you want to drive them hard?
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