Speakers and glue......

Hi Guys, I am going to need some speakers, monitors or floorstanding to be used in a humid climate near the sea. This type of climate wreaks havoc with gear and especially anything that relies on glue. I guess Magnepans are out of the question because of this. Do any of you have any suggestions on speakers that aren't reliant on glue?
Why not just buy outdoor speakers? Unless this is going to be used for critical listening, there are tons of manufacturers that make speakers that are salt and fog resistant and made to be outside, so the humidity inside would do nothing to them.

seems like they are mostly metal. I also recall that there were some Lucite or acrylic models out there. I recall seeing some show report that had a clear glass or plastic cabinet with only electronics and drivers installed. that should work a treat as well. bit of Windex and bang-zoom!
Hey, if budget isn't an issue, what about Wilson's? They definitely aren't wood.

I've used commercial EV and Infinities outdoors for many years without any problems. They sound good but aren't "high fidelity".
If money isn't an issue, the Anat Reference II's are made of aircraft aluminum but cost $107,000. Most who have actually had the luxury of listening to them prefer them over the Wilson's.