Harbeth Compact 7-ES3 Speakers

My listening room is roughly 12 feet x 14 feet and I have an all Linn stereo music system which includes the Linn Akurate 4200 (4 x 200W) solid state power amp.

I'm thinking of replacing my aktiv Linn Katan loudspeakers with Harbeth Compact 7-ES3 loudpeakers and keeping my Linn Majik 126 powered subwoofer.

I listen to all types of music, except country / western.

During the day, I like my music moderate-to-loud and at night I listen at low volumes.

What do you think?
In your room, if your Linn is any good, (pardon), if the the amp mates well with the harbeths, you probably won't need the subwoofer. ( I thought you bought the P3's?)
I like my music moderate-to-loud

FWIW - Harbeth are great but the Compact 7-ES3 is not the kind of speaker for loud dynamic sound.
I think your room is too square and too small to use a subwoofer. I ran a pair of Compact 7's in an 11 X 11 room for a while (not by choice) and there was barely enough space for them. Yours at 12 X 14 should be fine, but borderline. I would sell the sub and dump the money back into upgrades elsewhere or buy some music. The Compact 7 will be an "upgrade" over just about any other speaker I can name so, yes, I would replace the Katan's. You may also want to consider a pair of Monitor 30's for a room that size, which have a smaller box and slightly less bass output.