thanks for your input. I can see from some of the responses that not all seem to have understood my intitial posting and the reason for this thread. As I said I am very happy with the bass I have in my room at the moment. Because of the Aerial subs and their built in EQ I have very nice and smooth bass now. So I do not fully understand why some of you suggest that I should use a unit like the PARC. Is that because you think I should not use the Aerial SW12 subs and their built-in EQ but have the 20T running full range? I must say I find the bass in the SW12 to be phenomenal and they also integrate very well. Also I have found the midrange to improve when I removed the heavy bass burden from the 20T. I have looked up some other threads about JL subs and Vandersteen subs and found that this is a quite common solution to do what I have done, to split the bass signal between sub and main speakers.
My initial post and the reason for this thread was if there are other speakers that would do the job my Aerial 20T´s now have in a better way. For example I am thinking of line sources that roll off at 100Hz or speakers that excell in the midrange, even better than my 20T´s. And btw, I am definately not going to throw in more bass traps in my room...
thanks for your input. I can see from some of the responses that not all seem to have understood my intitial posting and the reason for this thread. As I said I am very happy with the bass I have in my room at the moment. Because of the Aerial subs and their built in EQ I have very nice and smooth bass now. So I do not fully understand why some of you suggest that I should use a unit like the PARC. Is that because you think I should not use the Aerial SW12 subs and their built-in EQ but have the 20T running full range? I must say I find the bass in the SW12 to be phenomenal and they also integrate very well. Also I have found the midrange to improve when I removed the heavy bass burden from the 20T. I have looked up some other threads about JL subs and Vandersteen subs and found that this is a quite common solution to do what I have done, to split the bass signal between sub and main speakers.
My initial post and the reason for this thread was if there are other speakers that would do the job my Aerial 20T´s now have in a better way. For example I am thinking of line sources that roll off at 100Hz or speakers that excell in the midrange, even better than my 20T´s. And btw, I am definately not going to throw in more bass traps in my room...