Best Speakers new/used for around 2k

I'm looking for the best speakers for around 2k. I'd like your thougths or insight to speakers I've listed or any I might be missing. I listen to primarliy 50% 2 channel and 50% HT. The room is about 20 x 20 and has two openings. I have a Denon 2809 that I know I will have to either replace or upgrade with another Amp. I've heard just about all of these except the Gershman (but they get glowing reviews), 1.7 (obviously) and Zu.

1) PMC FB1i
2) Proac Response d18 or Studio 140
3) Spendor A6
4) PSB Synchrony One
5) Zu Druid
6) Gershman
7) Magnepan 1.7 (daughter's cat might shred)
8) B&W 804
9) Martin Logan Vistas
10)Sunfire CRM2

Thanks in advance. Any thoughts would be welcomed.

Best regards
Sure, Slinker, definitely VSMs. I just don't think you will find them for around $2K.
Hi again, Slinker. I just took a look at used Merlins here on the site. I see a pair of VSM for $1795, or thereabouts. Just want to make you aware that the various Merlins have been improved signficantly over the years. If you are thinking about used Merlins, I would call Bobby at Merlin and ask him which way to go, i.e., the older VSMs or newer TSMs.

In any case, I personally don't think you can go wrong with Merlins.