NHT help

I have a pair of NHT 2.5I's that I want to bi amp using 2 sa-2 amps for the woofers and b&K amp for the tops.I want to run this into my Yamaha RX-V2400.First time doing this and I wanna get it right,I have read the manuals and just dont get what I need to do.How many interconnects will I need also for this?Any help would be greatly appreciated.If someone could send me a diagram even better
If I am runnin a sepreate subwoofer on this system is bi-amping going to result in any benifit for my 2.5's?
Right now I just have the sub connected to the the sub pre out on the yamaha and the line in jacks on the amp.I have the sub set to 0 phase and have the low pass filter at 35hz.I havent really had a chance to mess with the sub yet I just got it.
I dont know if biamping will do much for you. You will have to be the judge. With the low pass set at 35hz you are essentially running the speakers full range.

I do think that you need to be careful about level matching. There is a lot going on now.
I agree with Robr45 - with the low pass set at 35 hz you aren't accomplishing much. I would try 80 or 100 hz.

Did you try emailing NHT's customer service? They have been very helpful for me.
