Dynaudio Excite X16 vs. Dynaudio Focus 140


Anyone compare these two models?

What did you think?

I owned both the Focus 110s and 140s. Very pretty speakers both but I liked the 110s the best. With my equipment they were more open and naturally detailed than the 140s which sounded very natural but a little thick and opaque. I was bored a bit by them.
Jdec, The capacitors in the Focus are all Solen film type. The Excite are a combination of Bennic electrolytic and BC film.
The coils in the Focus are all air core while the Excite will have at least one iron core coil.
And the resistors in the Focus are ceramic but they are chosen for their resistence to temperature drift. The ones in the Excite are your basic ceramic types.
Hope that helps.
@ Prdprez

Based on your opinion, which line do you like better, the Danes or the French? Dynaudio vs Focal that is.

My preferences are with Dynaudio. Focal makes some very nice stuff. But whenever it came head to head I had a much easier time selling Dynaudio.
And, for what it's worth, I sold a lot of speakers to individual members of the local symphony. Every single one of them purchased Dynaudio.