Revel Studio2, Thiel 3.7 or Wilson Sophia 2

Considering these 3 speakers to upgrade my current system. Room is 16 X 19 by 9.

Current gear:
- Anthem AVM30
- Anthem MCA50
- Denon 2910 (to be replaced shortly with the OPPO 83 SE)
- Revel F32/C32
- Velodyne HGS10

I listen to mostly Jazz (contemporary), some rock and classical.

System is used mostly for music (60-70%) with an occasional movie.

Any thoughts or recommendations?

Step 1 done - bought the Oppo SE with Kimber Hero cables. The improvements have been significant. This player is as good as many have commented - fantastic.

Next up, speakers. Still considering Thiel 3.7's, Revel Studio 2's or Wilson Sophia 2's.
I haven't heard the Sophia 2. Between the Thiel 3.7 and the Revel Studio2, it's the Studio2 hands down. Properly set up the Studios throw an incredible image, and the highs are much better than those of the 3.7. For some reason on these forums the Revel Ultimas are never highly recommended, but to my ears they sound more like the real thing than almost anything else I've heard. Your Anthem equipment should do just fine.