Confidence c1 vs cremona auditor m vs proac d28

I am on the last legs of a long search for a new hi fi system and would appreciate some feedback on your experience/thoughts of the dynaudio confidence c1 vs the sonus faber cremona auditor m vs the proac d28. I listen to acoustic jazz, brazilian music, african music, classic pop e.g Sinatra and classic rock e.g. Beatles and Steely Dan. My room is about 12 feet by 20 feet and plan to have the speakers on the long wall. Also, I'm thinking of a system with Naim separates like the Naim 202 and 200, with a Naim cd5xs cd player or the Ayre ax 7e integrated with the Ayre cd7xe cd player. I might also augment the solid state with a Cayin 88 or Rogue Cronus tube amp. Again your thoughts and experiences about all this are very much appreciated.
Sorry to say I am not a fan of Sonus Fabers although there are many fans out there, some which include my friends. Out of the three I would pick either the C1 or D28. The C1's are bookshelves while the D28's are floorstanders. It is a matter of preference which speaker you would pick. The D28 will give you deeper bass with considerably more low-end impact than the C1. The C1's midrange will sound cleaner with more extended high-frequencies. The Naim 202/200/NAPSC/Hi-cap will drive both Proac D28 and Dynaudio C1's superbly.
Hi, I too have not been a fan of sonus fabers, but three different dealers who sell both the sonus faber auditor m and the confidence c1, while praising the c1, thought that the auditor m was somewhat more musical and one described it as magical, thus peaking my interest. To my friend Xti16, what wires did you use -- one naim dealer who also sells nordost recommends the naim wires.