What is the best OTL out there?

Hello. I've always been curious about OTL amplifiers, but never tried one except for the very unusual (and wonderful) Berning Siegfried, which was both SET and OTL. I wonder if there is an agreement as to which OTL currently in production can be considered to be the best. Ciao.
I had to laugh, but "super-sonic spurious crap" is a dead-on description of what might be a deal breaker for some people. But the wide-open bandwidth spoken of is literally like the door thrown open wide on your speakers. Quite a realization.
Best OTL I've heard is Graaf GM200. Too bad Graaf is building SS amps now.

Dealer offered me a great deal on his demo but just graduated from college so didn't have much disposable income to buy it.
Another vote for Atma-sphere; not only for the product but for all the support after the sale as well.
Sufficed to say, if you have never sat in front of a properly set up kit with OTL amplification, you do not know what you are missing... The level of transparency and sense of open sound stage is simply exhilarating and astonishing and may well leave you with a possible conundrum. It is likened to an audio enlightenment. Once the clouds have parted, the brilliance shined through, and the singing have sung, you can't go back to pretending music anymore.

Count my vote with Atma-Sphere. I have had the MA-1 Silver Edition Mk.3s for some years now and couldn't be happier with their performance.

When people start this "best" business stuff though and are speaking of one component in an entire kit, within a listening room, and to someone's particular ear, it leaves me sort of itchy-scratchy. Perhaps a better comment I might make from my listening experience would be to say that, paired to the right speaker the Atma's are without musical compromise. 
Most OTL  are not producing enough plate dissipation for a pair of tubes,Imagine for a pair of 6c33c tube with max.of 60 watts plate dissipation can produce more than 25 watts class A of power, 3 x of 300b output in SE.