Opinions on the Dynaudio DM 2/8

I'm curious to hear what people think about these speakers. I've read reviews on a few of the models in
the line (including one from TAS about the 2/8, and the 2/10 by HiFi-Choice) and they are very positive overall. People seem to think that based on their size they make great speakers for rock music, which I listen to lots of.

The 2/8 has caught my attention for this very reason. My dealer carries the Tannoy Prestige line with very large cabinets and drivers and they sound amazing. Obviously they are very expensive and should sound amazing, but I think the basic design has something to do with it: they seem totally effortless, are very resolving, and produce fantastic bass and a big sense of scale. They Dynaudios seem to get praise along those same lines. Large drivers in large cabinets must have a lot to do with this.

I currently run a pair of Quad 12L2, which I think are great speakers. But I think I hear their limitations when it comes to some of the harder stuff. They sound a bit thin and compressed, even on albums that are well produced. For example, Voodoo Lounge by the Stones, the softer stuff sounds great, the harder stuff a bit thin and congested in complex passages.

Am I on the right track with the 2/8? I can't help but think I am kind of downgrading, wondering if the cabinet on the 2/8 is of lesser quality. Certainly the finish is. I guess one could argue that a lot of what you are paying for a pair of Quads is going to the finish, whereas for the 2/8 it's going more into things like the drivers and crossover.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into the speakers you mention. A tough thing with buying used or online is that I've got some things to trade in. Dealing with a dealer who accepts trades or sells on consignment would be a lot easier for me. I could sell on A-gon, but being in Canada makes that a little tougher, and I've never sold before. There are dealers here for many of the speakers you suggest though, so I can probably make most of those happen if I want.

Agreed on Dynaudio X 16, Usher X 718, PSB Imagine B, & Totem Rainmakers if purchase the aforementioned brand new. Swan are sold directly online so my only nitpick is you do not get to audition them before you fork over your hard earned cash. Still doable if you don't mind the shipping & handling if you decided to return them within the 30 days grace period. But don't quote me. The sure way is to check with HiVi Audio website.

Dynaudio Focus 140 & 110, PSB Synchrony 2B, Paradigm Signature S2 are great used speakers.

Totem Model One Signature is weak in the bass dept for my taste (hint: not enough bass for rock IMO). Used Mani 2 are ok for rock but they are a bit over your budget.

Personally, I would pick Dynaudio, PSB, & Usher over Totem. If you have room & don't mind the utility look (hint: boring to some folks), Vandersteen is an excellent choice for almost any type of music.
I'll be trying out the ProAc Studio 110 and Paradigm Reference Studio 20 next. You know, the Paradigm seems more and more interesting to me. From some of the reviews it sounds like it provides exactly what I'm looking for: a big soundstage, lots of detail, deep bass, a full bodied sound, and an overall neutral tonal balance. The front port is a plus. I'm a bit worried the ProAc will sound a little thin for my taste, but we'll see.

I prefer speakers with an either 6.5 or 7 inch driver, so something like the Imagine B or Rainmaker probably won't deliver. The Rainmaker I've read can also sound quite bright, something I generally want to avoid. I'm not averse to listening and having my mind changed, however. You never really know until you listen. If the ProAc and Paradigm don't do it for me then I'll probably try the Totem models you guys suggested. Usher has always looked really good too, I'll have to see if there is a dealer in my area.
If you want to save $$$, Paradigm Studio 20 is a decent speaker but I don't think the Studio Series is on par with both the Dynaudio Excite X 12 and X 16. The Paradigm Studio 20 may sound bright for you since they sport metal dome tweeters.

ProAc is a good speaker but it is just too expensive unless you are willing to purchase them used.

Totem Rainmaker does sound a bit brighter than its brothers Totem Model One & Totem Model One Sig. All Totem bookshelf speakers sound brighter than Dynaudio per my ownership experience.
The ProAc Studio 110 is actually cheaper than the Dynaudio, and on par with the Paradigm. ProAc recently had a price drop, at least in this area. $1,300 or $1,400 I believe is the price I was quoted, while the Studio 20 is $1,400 and the X16 is US$1,600. The X16 will be even more when converted to Cdn$, the other two are already in Cdn$.

The one thing I noticed about the Studio 20 is that it's frequency response isn't tipped up in the treble region. So I'm hoping it actually doesn't sound too bright. I had a pair of Energy C-1 a while back and they weren't bad at all. Energy also measures relatively flat. The Monitor Audio RS5 on the other hand was brutally bright. I think it's all in the execution. I'm starting to think perhaps the little extra detail in a metal tweeter wouldn't be a bad thing (as long as it's not too bright).