I think I've made up my mind

After having auditioned the following :

1. Avantgarde Uno G2 + Audio Note SET amp/Pathos Twin Towers integrated amp
2. Magico V2 + Soulution 720 pre + 710 power amps
3. Sonus Faber Elipsa/Wilson Sasha + ARC Ref 3 + Ref 110
4. Thiel CS3.7 + Parasound JC1 pre + JC2 power amps

...and after weighing all factors like room interaction, degree of difficulty of setting-up, value for money, magazine reviews, and comments posted here and AVguide.com....

...the winner is: Thiel CS3.7 + Parasound JC1/JC2!

Now for the cables. MF and JA of Stereophile noted that the specs of Parasound show ultra-wide bandwidth and high-current capability which reminds me of Spectral amps. Therefore, would MIT Magnum MA speaker cables and interconnects be a good match? Anyone has any other suggestion? Thanks.
Yes indeed you don't have to experiment with cables - it's done for you. What do you think we as consumers are doing by experimenting with cables? We try to find synergy. Well, synergy is also an electrical engineering science that can be calculated. It's that simple.
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I think I recall you indicating in prior discussions that you believe higher amp input impedance generally leads to directly observable improved bass performance, or something to that effect, which technically sounds viable to me.

In that case, 30K ohms is a lot closer to the low end for SS amps I have seen (about 10K ohms) than it is the max I have seen (about 200K ohm balanced).

It would be more of a factor for higher output impedance tube pre-amps than lower impedance SS pre-amps.
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"Nevertheless, if you have specific numbers that would suggest a non-optimal match, then I'd be interested in seeing them and learning more."


I'm only suggesting (as unless I'm mistaken I recall you have suggested to others as well in past threads) that if what you heard was not good, and a tube pre-amp was used, an amp with 60K, 100K, or 200K input impedance would probably sound different and might sound better than one with 30K input impedance, all other factors aside.