Advice about what to do with not-needed tubes?

I recently tried out a tube preamp that I had to return because of a buzz in one channel. Now I'm on the fence about repurchasing the same model or going "tubeless," since my particular system didn't really benefit from tubes more than a little bit and I can't afford to go with tubes whole hog. So, my question as a tube neophyte is, assuming I don't replace the unit, should I return the NOS tubes I bought back to the various resellers and pay the restocking fees, or would it be smarter to wait and sell them later? They're mainly 12at7s. Judging from discussion boards, tubes appreciate in value with scarcity. Not seeing a lot of gear that uses 12at7s, though, so I'm not sure about these. In particular, I've got some that are in white boxes because they were from bulk lots.
I'm also wondering about the fact that I'm a total unknown when I go to sell, so it'll just be my word plus pics as to the condition and "provenance" of the tubes. I'd appreciate any advice.

[I tried to post this before, listing the equipment, but it was declined. Trying again in more general terms, since it seems a perfectly appropriate question for the community, particularly given how many posts in this thread are about tubes as well as tube preamps/amps]
Don't take either of these suggestions the wrong way, but what I do is:
1) Use them as Christmas tree decorations. Honestly, tie a string around them, and hang them on the tree. They actually look pretty cool, particularly, the coke bottle output and rectifier tubes. But your 12AT7s will suffice

2) Give them away. The minuscule amount of money that will come back to you in a sale will prove of little consequence compared to the goodwill of sending them along to someone who could actually use and appreciate them
Save them in case someone breaks in your house, you could start throwing 12AT7s at them, they might actually explode on impact.
I also have a Dared 2000a that I swapped tubes on. The seller accidentally shipped them with Electroharmonix AX7s. I pointed this out to him and he generously sent a pair of "Made in Germany" orange globe Amperex AT7s. However, using the correct tube type still created too much gain in my system. So I used the AT7s to replace the AX7s in my Jolida JD1703 hybrid amp, hopefully lowering the gain there, and then put on the Dared two of the extra-tall Philips 7062 computer tubes, which are lower gain than AT7s. Happy with the results. Total price: $15.

If I can keep getting deals like that on Ebay, then I don't mind stashing the extras in a bag. I can't imagine selling tubes to recoup costs unless I can provide measurements - except maybe for the orange globes.