SMS-1 Questions

I just purchased 2 Rythmik F12 subs to integrate into my MO system. My speakers are full range. If I purchase an SMS-1 for DRC, what would be the most effective way to use it. Do I need a TV in the room for it to be effective, or will it display to a laptop?
The need for stereo subs is greatly overrated considering the wavelengths involved.


I'm sure you and Marty are correct, but when I installed mine I just let it do what it did automatically. My plan was to get back and tweak it, but I have yet to do so, and my Velodyne HGS-15 sounds pretty good and seems to blend seamlessly with my KEF 104/2s with the 80 Hz crossover.

There are many routes to satisfaction and some appeal to different people differently. Still, in this day and age of sophisticated bass management and roomEQ/subEQ, some traditional configurations might be reconsidered. In fact, one can probably get better, more integrated, more even and more convincing bass from 2 mono-signal subs, placed carefully and balanced/EQ-ed properly, than from stereo subs whose placement is constrained by the placement of the main L/R speakers.

There are a few relevant "white papers" from Harman on this.


So it sounds like you are saying the SMS-1 with a mono signal to both might be the way to go rather than getting the Auddysey and having to add some sort of cross-over to compensate for the latend delay?
If I were to use the SMS-1 and wanted to let my mains run full, what would be the best way to hook-up the SMS-1?