Best active speaker

I'm thinking about going the active speaker route. I'd appreciate some suggestions. Any active speakers using Class D? It's my impression that ATC is pretty much the leader in Active speakers. Also I need something with a nice cabinet - not a studio monitor.

I'm thinking about going further minimalist. Right now have a Transporter feeding two Bel Canto Ref 500Ms and Aerial speakers. I like that setup but you know, just thinking about trying something else for the fun of it.
Along with ATC, I would suggest also auditioning the Adam powered speakers. They use a Class D amplifier for the woofer; not sure what the fully powered version uses for the other drivers. I was very impressed with them, particularly due to their ribbon midrange and tweeter drivers, a very open and airy, "fast" sound akin to what you hear in live music.
Can't go wrong with ATC but you know that.

Consider also Focal Twin 6 - a real bargain in active designs and obviously a step up from the passive electra 1007 (but you lose all that pretty and very expensive cosmetics for better sound and more expensive stuff inside the box).

Large PMC's have clones of ATC's famous mid range (emulation = sincerest form of flattery). So that is another extremely good choice with more bass on PMC's than with ATC. Plus the excellent Volt woofers with external brackets/heat sinks look like something out of a Batman movie - very very cool.

Finally Barefoot MM27 may be worth checking out if you want an extremely small package that will have people picking up their jaws off the floor when you fire them up.
Salagar uses Icepower amps for their active line of speakers.
ATC is very good but I must say very energy wasteful. The heatsinks are hot to touch even when not in use. I read in HDD forum according to AVIhifi founder which is an ex ATC engineer that he finds ATC outdated being that they are spending way too much money on old technology that can't compete with the current ones.
Goldmund has great active speakers as well except they are insanely expensive.
Linn and Naim are great proponents of active loudspeakers.
Dynaudio has some great models as well.
Of course there's B&O that owns the Icepower technology.
If I don't mind the hassle and risk. I will get a deqx crossover with digital outputs connected with Nad M2 pure digital amplifiers with some state of the art loudspeakers.
The so called Class D is going to be outdated soon.
ATC is very good but I must say very energy wasteful. The heatsinks are hot to touch even when not in use.I read in HDD forum according to AVIhifi founder which is an ex ATC engineer that he finds ATC outdated being that they are spending way too much money on old technology that can't compete with the current on

The amps are heavily biased Class A so yes they are still using some of the best OLD technology (no digital amps or DSP processing like with Meridian actives). They are also massively over-engineered and expensive and play much louder than most people need. Ashley has some not unfounded criticisms of ATC approach which is slow to incorporate the latest technologies that consumers expect. To be fair though, in the pro market the relative stability of their tried and proven bullet proof designs are seen as an advantage.