Should I buy the B&W 804d's or 805d's

Has anyone heard both speakers? I have the older 805's now along with a B&W sub. I could go either way.
I've just purchased a new pr of 804 diamonds. I was considering the 805d and I even had a pair of Sound Anchor 805 stands. After considering that I would require a sub and that the 804d has far better midrange driver I went with the 804d. They are a stunning value, very refined and they really swing with a kind of natural dynamic ease. The new diamond tweeter is just amazing. I previously owned the Dynaudio C1s and I can only say, the new B&Ws will be in my listening room for years to come. I'm REALLY happy with the 804 diamonds. Warning: I found that they are down right flat, boring and 2D until 100 music hrs and of course they will just improve over the next month!
Thanks 5560:
My former 804Ns also took 90 hours to come in.
Did you happen to compare the new 804 to the 805d prior to purchase?? I'm not entirely convinced the FST midrange makes that big a step up over that of the 805...
I went with the 804d's based on conversations with dealers around the country and just my gut that a three way might produce a fuller range of sound than a two way. I also wanted to make sure that my upgrade from the old 805's would be noticeable, especially in 2 channel. I am very happy with the 804d's so far, the music seems to be slightly better in the mid range and bass. In addition, the new diamond tweeter in the 800d series is just awesome. Honestly I probably would have been happy with either the new 804d or 805d, especially if my primary purpose was HT and the bass was being supplemented by a sub. My older 805's were moved to a second 2 channel system and in my opinion they are a bargain in the used marketplace, especially when you compare their price to a new pair of 805d's.