Has Linn Gone Crazy? They Stopped Making Pre-Amps

This was recently announced, but as yet has not been covered on Audiogon.

Linn Audio has stated that they will stop manufacturing dedicated pre-amps:


So, is Linn Crazy Like a Fox, or Just Crazy...
Infection - that contributes nothing to this thread. Put price to the side for the moment (because, let's face it, 99% of the general population would think most of the equipment discussed on this forum is incredibly over-priced).

The issue is that one of the largest high-end audio gear companies is moving in a pretty bold direction and has come up with a technology that could have a substantial impact on the future direction of audio.

I'm interested to hear what people think of Linn's strategy in pursuing its Exakt technology and ditching pure analog stand alone pre-amps.
+100 to Mateored for such thoughtful responses - assuming he or she isn't a Linn shill.
Yes mateored. I sometimes submit a tongue-in-cheek post not thinking of the pain it can cause others.
There's no pain. I'm just disappointed because I realized that the Linn Exakt system has never been discussed (as far as I can tell) on this forum, and typed out a very long response to stir up a discussion. And then all I got was your post.

I know that people on here don't really like Linn, but this is an interesting topic whether you like Linn or not (in my opinion).