Audiophile speakers that rock well

I am interested in a monitor sized speaker that does all the audiophile tricks, but can also rock the house without bleeding my ears. Can I get both in a single speaker? I've heard some real good speakers that do vocals, acoutical type music well, but absolutle fail at R & R. Can I have the soundstaging, the imaging, etc.etc. With a speaker that rocks? Budget is $3K

I also 2nd the ATC SCM19s- these speakers can rock!!! provided you give them a muscle amp.
First I want to say that your search criteria are WONDERFUL. Just what every old rocker wants. Smaller, great staging and detail, full range sound, and loud as hell. Rock speakers that shine even with old Zeppelin vinyl.

Yamaha NS1000 are INCREDIBLE. I adore my Klipsch Heresy's, but I don't think they are "audiophile quality," and they are a bit too big for a bookshelf. Many would object to the use of the word audiophile applied to any Klipsch) They DO rock the house and, unlike bigger Klipsch, provide delightful staging; which is, to me, the most important ofthe audiophile tricks. Creed, Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Hendrix, Iron Butterfly - all relatively weak recordings but they provide tremendous presence and excitement factor on the Heresy's in my three car garage... doors closed or doors open! Mixed reviews from the neighbors on that... I am just using an old Carver and a cheap Denon CD player.
Despite the rep, B&W just plain do not rock. We have a local dealer and I go in once a year to listen to them. For an old rock and roll hippie (old enough to have seen Zeppelin live in Seattle), Paradigm and PSB stomp them at half the price. Even if you do like them for their interesting staging, OHM Walsh are absolutely not bookshelf. You MUST place them in an open space to get the effects they offer. Celestion is famous for off the chart bottom end - my giant old floorstanding Ditton 66 are spec'd down to a RIDICULOUS 18hz (on the right recordings I can feel low end that I cannot hear!) - but I don't know about their bookshelf models. TELL US WHAT YOU BOUGHT!!!
I should have mentioned that I have PSB Stratus Gold side by side with my Ditton 66, and the Ditton DEFINITELY have more immediacy and presence, as well as much better staging and higher efficiency. Both are huge and heavy, both are fantastic for average recordings, both have outstanding bass, both are smooth and painless at very high volumes, and both run around $500-$1000 on the used market depending on condition. (Yes, I am in love... when she was five my daughter used to say "If you love it why don't you marry it." I am thinking of proposing.)