Electrostatic versus conventional speakers

I have never heard a pair of electrostatic speakers. With that being said, what are the pros and cons of electrostatics versus conventional speakers. I'm not in the market for speakers but am just curious

Are they superior to conventional speakers? If so, in what ways? Are they sensitive to tube versus solid state amps? Do they have issues with reliability? Etc.

The 1,7 will not be a problem to drive with the bryston and is a real bargain at that price. That said a better amp would work and the sound is a lot different from the B&W , much more transparent natural sounding, with a bit less imaging capability.

They will have to sit 4-5 feet( min) into your room, so make sure your room make up, decor and WAF will accommodate this setup.
Are Martin Logan's considered "electro-static" by you? If so, I think Ultimate Electronics and Best Buy's (gack) "Magnolia Home Theater" have those to listen to in Vegas (not sure, call first).

Premiere used to sell Marin Logans until Ultimate started carrying them (looking at your system would lead me to believe you bought it from Premiere).
That said a better amp would work and the sound is a lot different from the B&W , much more transparent natural sounding

Yes indeed.
06-28-10: Admranger
Weseixas, do they have to be 4-5' from side walls too or just rear walls?


2ft from sidewalls and typically 4-5 feet min from rear wall.

The rear wall is more critical , so if you do not have the 2 ft from the sidewall a bit closer with some toe-in can work, of course listening distance plays a factor here 2 .
