Got $ should I spend it?

Hello everyone,

Last year I had to sell my gear, which consisted of GMA Europas, melody tube amp and squeezebox, in order to finish up my graduate studies. Well I am done thankfully and want to get back and want to build a system to listen to music again. Unfortunately, my girlfriend has given me some guidelines: it must be relatively compact and at a thousand or less. All understandable considering we are trying to save for a house.

What are my options. I really enjoyed my Europas and ideally like to get
something along those lines but maybe in an active speaker design to try to get the best bang for my buck. Although if anyone can recommend a setup for $1000 for speaker and amp please go ahead.

Any ideas?
Compact and under a thousand? Tvad is right - dump the girlfriend. Speakers come and speakers go but memories of $1k spent on drugs and hookers will stay forever.
You guys are nuts lol.

For a more realistic answer, but still not what the OP wants, invest/save the money. Seriously. At least put it in an IRA. I didn't spend any money on audio (kept my old high school system of low fi junk all through college) until my late 20's after I had set up an IRA and investments at age 22 and bought a house by age 27 after I got a "real" job, gf got a real job, AND got a substantial inheritance (which paid much of the house off and all college debt). THEN I looked into spending a whole $2000 on stereo gear.

Actually, yea, dump the gf since she is still too lenient with letting you spend too much when you shouldn't be. She should have more sense than you, and then more sense than that. Mine wouldn't let me spend any money until all the above happened, and I'm glad she didn't. I'm richer for it now. She's a keeper.
Forget where you've been. For a grand you cannot duplicate in any way what you had. Used market Arcam Mini Solo, Usher 520, 24" stands, you know the rest. Surprisingly good......for a grand.

Only $1,000 ?

Grasshopper.... I’d say your education is only just begun…. It’s time now to find enlightenment and truly Be all you can be!

Now you should endeavor to gain true wisdom and the immense rewards of spirituality.

Let’s begin with some noteable altruistic effort of sorts.

let me think..... Oh yeah.... I've got it! Buy me an OEM upgrade for my Dac from Bel Canto.

Right off you’ll have satisfied two people with but one gesture! Your girlfriend & me.

Three, of course, if you do this with true humility and a valid credit card or US postal money order!

Now that’s getting more bang for your bucks, I’d say!

You’ll be right on her budget , it won’t clutter up your home, and I’ll sing praises to both of you till I’m hoarse!! And you’ll get the best of it all with a memory such as this, without a hangover, penecillin or worse still, having to post a bond.

Thereafter, your name will be mentioned in the same breath as Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Luke Skywalker!

Just think of the countless numbers of people who will be entertained by a story such as this?

Yes, Grasshopper, walk the spiritual path to enlightenment…. And immortality.

Now there’s a real Kodak moment that will last us all a lifetime.

PM me for my PayPal ID.