Got $ should I spend it?

Hello everyone,

Last year I had to sell my gear, which consisted of GMA Europas, melody tube amp and squeezebox, in order to finish up my graduate studies. Well I am done thankfully and want to get back and want to build a system to listen to music again. Unfortunately, my girlfriend has given me some guidelines: it must be relatively compact and at a thousand or less. All understandable considering we are trying to save for a house.

What are my options. I really enjoyed my Europas and ideally like to get
something along those lines but maybe in an active speaker design to try to get the best bang for my buck. Although if anyone can recommend a setup for $1000 for speaker and amp please go ahead.

Any ideas?
Jolida fx-10 tube integrated (new or used).

Triangle Titus XS monitors (used)

If you have a computer already you may still have money left for a mhdt Constantine DAC (used) as well.

A refurbed vintage receiver or integrated is another good way to go.

I haven't been in the market for quite a while, but I suspect that $1K doesn't buy the drugs and hookers that it used to. Beer, lots of beer, might be better advice on the OP's budget.


PS The Magnepan MMG @ $600, a used amp w/enough juice to drive 'em and the source of your choice on what's left of the budget might be a good way to go.
Tough price point for sure,maybe some active speakers and a cd player with output to go right to the speakers would be my choice.Paradigm and Quad make active speakers and there are some for sale now,the rest for a player with output;that would take some looking.