Best HDMI cable for sound - your experience

Have you found one HDMI cable that you think is providing superior sound in your system? I am using HDMI for 2 and multi channel digital signals and prefer it to optical toslink from my Blu-Ray player to my receiver. My slightly better solid core HDMI cable sounds better to me than the budget cable I also have on hand, slightly better picture too. Video performance will be limited for the time being by long BJC HDMI cable in wall from receiver to Monitor - so really looking for better audio performance at this time.

Thanks in advance,

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Not what I'd call audiophile grade - but I find the Beldon HDMI cable to provide very good sound and picture and much better than the other two cables I have tried.

A/V and surround sound is not really my bailiwick, so I tend to spend very little on it.

But I do find the Beldon products extremely good value I.e. the two I have purchased.

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Pangea (POCC) 24 awg with 4% silver is great for Audio and I haven't found better so far. I plan on next trying it against the Wireworld 2nd from the top. but this Pangea is a very musical cable and great video as well.