Component cable for long runs

Due to the fragility of an HDMI circuit to electrical overload , I would like to run a component A/V cable instead .
I need about a 28 ft. run though . Will a component cable of this length work as well as a HDMI cable of the same length ?

Thank You
Don't forget, only HDMI can handle 1080p. Component cables are limited to 1080i.
The fragility factor... according to my cable tech . Because HDMI works with a small electrical charge , it is 'more' susceptible to an electrical overload such as a lightening strike .
I had lightening enter my home through the cable company's data line . It tripped the breaker for one TV's electrical circuit , everything else was fine . But it took out a second cable boxs' HDMI port or the HDMI port on the tv that is connected to it . When the cable tech looked at the box and supply line he determined that it was one of the HDMI ports and installed a component cable in place of the HDMI cable . He then gave me the explanation above . I had previously tried another HDMI cable that did not alleviate the problem of 'no signal' .
The picture from this component cable is at least as good as the HDMI picture .
The second tv , where the breaker was tripped , has the long
HDMI run up the wall , across the attic and down another wall . This cable run was extremely difficult to do and if it has to be done again (another lightening strike)I want it to be the last time .
I live in the lightening capital of the nation and the tech stated that a surge suppressor on the line will not always protect the ports .
I looked on the Audioquest Cable site for a component cable of sufficient length and did not find any . Hence the reason for my query .
If a component cable won't handle a digital signal , how will that affect the end result ? This line is for the cable box only .

Thank You .
Saki70, I have some Tributaries Silver component cables in a 6m length that I used for years with no problems. I haven't used them in years, but as mentioned the last time I used them they were very good in picture quality, sharpened and color resolution. You may check with Tributaries to see if they still offer them. Also Audioquest offers their Cinema cables in a few different levels in bulk that you could have a dealer make up for you if you don' want to do the soldering yourself. A local dealer in Fort Collins Colo., has made a few for me and I think he still stocks the bulk cable. Maybe give him a call.
Theo ;
Thank you for the info .
You have experience with 6 meter component cables , how about 9 or 10 meters . That is what I am needing to find out about .
Saki70, I still don't understand your being adverse to HDMI cables because of lightning strikes.

If you have a direct lightning strike, regardless of type of cable your components are at serious risk of damage. I'd imagine your best defense would be a combination of a whole-house protection with significant (>$10,000) warranty and unplugging all components during thunderstorms.

An HDMI cable is essentially a network cable. Think of it in the same terms as a Cat 6 data cable. It transmits data packets (which can be encrypted) that represent digital audio and video. A component video cable, by contrast, represents analog video data and nothing more.

HDMI is more future-proofed. Advances in high-definition video and audio will be transmitted over HDMI. Like it or not, HDMI is not only dominant in the present but also in the near-future.

If your concern is having one of them fail for some reason, then put two cables in when you install them. Most modern TV's actually have more than one HDMI input, so you can connect both to the television. The expensive part of installation is repairing the wall afterwards, so running two cables represents a negligible price increase.

It seems you've convinced yourself that component video cables are the solution to your problem, but I truly think you'll be better off in the future by using the data transfer mechanism of the future.
