Soundlab reliable?

Contemplating buying SoundLab M-2PX or A-3PX speakers to be driven by some Atma-Sphere amps, how reliable is the speaker? What concerns or issues have you had?
I am a fortunate owner of Soundlab Ultimate IIs that has "never" had a backplate or panel problem. My speakers are still performing flawlessly. They produce the most transparent and coherent sound I have ever heard from a speaker.Whenever I listen to other speakers there's no comparison.I have owned my Soundlabs since 1998 and they have never been back to the factory and that's saying very good reliability in my book.Let your ears decide.
Hey Chuckie I am looking for some sound lab U2s .Five six one eight zero one twenty five ten.
Hello Kirk930
I am not sure about the availability of a pair of Ultimate IIs for sale. Check with Connie at Soundlab to see if they will custom build you a pair. Duke at Audiokinesis may also be helpful.If you're asking if my Soundlabs are for sale I am sorry to inform you but they are not.My Ultimate IIs have been extremely reliable. Never once shipped back to the factory and never a problem with the panels. My amps are NAT se2se totally awesome!
Sound Lab speakers are absolutely the best deal in audio! I've been wanting to post about them since I got them in my room but I'm too busy listening to music. I picked up a used pair of M-1PX's several months ago and they are just amazing! The price vs. performance ratio is off the charts. Great speakers and great people to work with.
If you picked up some used Sound Labs, check with Sound Lab about the new backpanels. They make the speaker a lot easier to drive and also sound better too!