Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Well as much as I have looked at this thread I never get any comments on how they sound. It has become shiny jewelry. Yes I have very expensive cables. I just wanted more feedback on soundstage, treble, midrange, texture, weight, air etc. It seems like as a person who would try them that I don't get any information outside of specs. I would like any actual taralabs users to chime in and tell me what you think. I've heard them in a really good system and they seemed great but I really wouldn't know without other owners chiming in. I don't care about how they are made. I care about the sound. I guess somebody got sent on vacation. However any comments on actual sound.
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Has anyone tried the Air forte? I cant find much info in these. How do they compare to other cables in the 800 to 1000 dollar range? Oh and i do own the prime m2 and an air 2 cable so i do like the taras!!
I have owned a couple. But I haven't owned the upper high end. The best I had was the one. I just wondered how their best of the best sounded or some of their entry level cables. As usual not much talk on sound just specs and funny little signs. Well I guess this is what this thread has turned into.lol
I see, yea it seems there flagship cables are the main focus here, but they are way way out of my league lol. The taras that i do own being the prime m2 and the air 2's are great, i love em. Its not really that easy describing there sound but everytime i plug in taras the sound changes. They are smooth. The soundstage is so full and expansive. blacks get blacker, the sound is like 3d, it just comes out of space. Im surrounded by sound! I can hear detail and ambiance that i havent heard from other cables that are in a similar price range. Yes the Air 2's are a way better example of this obviously but the prime m2 is no sloutch. They are never fatiguing, but very neutral. Taras are a good match for me, i listen to alot of rock and metal. but now im looking to move up to the air forte if some one can chime in on them. I hope they are even better but in there price range there is alot of competition. Cables can make a difference and it doesnt have to cost an arm and a leg lol. On a technical aspect the rsc is what makes taras stand out from the others in my opionion. They are also very well sheilded cables and work well with turntables. I hope that helps!