Where is everyone, Summertime is not so good for blogging forums I guess. Will a couple of significant differences in the presentation after 4 months. I know I am repeating myself, but the Redbook performance of this rig is substantially better than anything else I have heard. I was listening to a 30 year old Copy of Rhyming Simon. This disk has always sounded anemic and soft, Paul Simon very forward, everything else just there. This rig brings it to life as good as I think it could possibly be. Usually the albums of these old CDs blow away the CD, in this case everything snaps into place, and without the problems associated with a thirty-five year old album. Of course I could buy new vinyl, but that is what the P1/D1 does so good. And think I saved $30.00 ! Pretty cool, hah! Just think, with every CD this rig resurrects I save $30.00, in 20000 playbacks the rig will have paid for itself!