I understand. It is a big deal. My belief is that the Audio industry has taken a number of paths, not always for the better to serve the music. Once in a while counterintuitive just works. When I go and put up for sale my Goertz 99.999 pure silver multi thousand dollar speaker cables for example, I know concretely now that a pair of stranded tinned copper cables actually beat them up top to bottom for about eighty (80) bucks, or whup-up on any Kimber speaker cable I have ever owned. I'm not knocking any of these other cables or company. They are good! To my ears and my listening bias the WE is better still; at a much lower cost. best, Rob
I understand. It is a big deal. My belief is that the Audio industry has taken a number of paths, not always for the better to serve the music. Once in a while counterintuitive just works. When I go and put up for sale my Goertz 99.999 pure silver multi thousand dollar speaker cables for example, I know concretely now that a pair of stranded tinned copper cables actually beat them up top to bottom for about eighty (80) bucks, or whup-up on any Kimber speaker cable I have ever owned. I'm not knocking any of these other cables or company. They are good! To my ears and my listening bias the WE is better still; at a much lower cost. best, Rob