Slow adaptation of KT150 by amp mmanufacturers

I am surprised that more audio companies have not jumped on the KT150 by now. I know there are several manufacturers such as AR, Jolida, Primaluna, Icon and Allnic that have amps that are able to use this tube but I thought more would have by now.

The vast majority of reviews from people who have heard the 150 have been very positive. Any info on other companies who may have something in the works?
I see the Octave V80 SE is out with KT150's. Anyone have a chance to hear it yet?
Xti16 ... interesting news bit re the possible introduction of a KT-180 tube. At this point, given the drawn out process I endured with ARC transitioning its current Ref line of amps to use the KT-150, including ARC upgrading a number of its Ref amps, ... I couldn't go through it again. Not even if the KT-180 could levitate the amp off its stand.
It looks like Tung-Sol is the only company that makes that tube. Plus it is alot more costly to retube. This could be the reason why! ????