Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Al, your experience and comments about the sound difference between the DEQX DAC as compared to your Bryston CDP are consistent with my experience. I thought my DEQX PreMATE was a "squeak" better than my ARC CD-8 CDP, but just a bit.

I too am surprised that the DEQX is as transparent as it appears to be. I agree with your comment that "the DEQX continues to ... be perfectly transparent. Which is amazing, of course, considering the A/D and D/A conversions it puts into the signal path."

Please keep the reports coming.


User observations about 'transparency' always seem to generate controversy on internet audio forums. People who have not listened to a DEQX corrected system often assert that absolute transparency is not possible with the amount of digital correction taking place.

However, those of us open minded enough to own and use DEQX seem to notice transparency and clarity as some of the most apparent features. Too often, audio equipment is pre-judged by specifications and not by listening.
Andrew (Drewan77) ... when dealing with an artifact in the signal path, it's hard to get below zero when it comes to impact on the signal integrity. Not quibbling, but it is quite remarkable to me how little impact there is when sending a signal through the DEQX in pass-through mode.

What can I say ... but kudos to DEQX.
Thanks for that info Al. Very impressive considering how resolving the Star are known to be. Not to mention the removal of any room effects.

Not much progress with my HD-4 of late. Played with the window for speaker correction and moved it to 600Hz from much lower. An improvement, but I haven't had the chance to do the necessary room correction. Family matters came up before I could get to it. I'll report back when I have more done.