Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Jet, I need to hear from you sooner! Ha! I want to build a set, but am waiting on your initial impressions.
Grannyring, I have about 150 hours on the WE16ga interconnects that I built and think they are worth doing. In my system and to my ears they provide as much musicality and emotional connection as the Belden ICs but with a slightly leaner more direct presentation. Belden ICs lend the music a bit more meat on to its bones. Slightly more voluptuous. I think it will be system dependent as to which a listener would prefer. Phduncanson, a Agon member and contributer stopped by tonight and he listened blindly to the Kondo, Belden and Western Electric ICs and on most music he preferred the Western Electric. Sometimes he preferred Kondo, but with this short blind test he concluded Western Electric was the way to go. He didn't know
my preference. We both think Western Electric interconnects have a lot of potential. I am going to leave them in the system and will follow up. - Jet
Before I went to bed last night I put the kondo cables back in and listened to them this morning and then I put in the Western electric cables. They have most all of the inner resolution and beauty of kondo plus a huge jump in musicality and emotional connection. Musicality just leaps into the room. Listening to Belden this morning and they fall behind the WE ICs. In my system they lack the resolution and clarity of WE ICs. Belden is richly colorful but I would argue the Western electric cables have a broader color palette and have at least as much emotional connectivity if not a bit more at least to my ears. Last night Phduncason mentioned the emotion he felt coming from my system when we were listening to Johnny Hartman/Coltrane cd. It was strange he mentioned it at that moment since I was feeling and hearing the same thing. I had not listened to this recording since building the WE ICs. Serious food for thought...jet
Jetrexpro, Grannyring,
This information is music to my ears. I want to thank both of you and some others for your brave DIY experiments regarding the WE16ga/Belden, pushing the boundaries of what is known, or can be expected from these excellent wires.

Grannyring, you jumped first with a leap of faith, Jetrexpro not far behind and trailblazing with his own experiment. The two of you especially are to be commended for helping to bring "real sound" at an affordable price to the Agon community. Best, Rob