Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
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Hey, as they say, YMMV; I'm in sonic Heaven, zero stuff you folks report. Volleyguy1: You are the first guy to report this wire was "awful" when first hooked up that I know of. Gee, I guess the score on this wire now is about 900 to 3. Don't bother to purchase the Arizona Caps. You won't like them. Best, Rob
I wrote you this little ditty over on the "Capacitor and Mundorf" thread in case you missed it:
You should likely stick to silver $1,800 dollar or higher priced cables. You obviously appreciate silver and marketing bucks of various cable manufacturers. This is NOS WE wire. No one to market it. When this is gone it is gone. My next line is tongue in cheek with smiley faces: when you get your hearing corrected I'll sell you some of this wire at Cable Company advertised price for Shun Mook cables using this same WE16ga at over $3,000. Small warning, being NOS that price could go higher. Best, Rob
Last night my wife had her first listen to the WE 16ga interconnects. I let her blindly hear the WE and then the Kondo and she preferd Kondo. I understand what she was hearing which is the lovely gentle, beautiful deeply textured and balanced presentation of Kondo IC's but I still prefer the WE IC's since I hear almost all of the Kondo's attributes but also to my ears a more musically involving presentation. What I like about WE IC's is the way it handles the Mids all the way through to the Bass. Clear and full and fully expressed.
Its good to have that reality check that we all hear and experience music differently. Not one size fits all - Jet
I understand too, what you are saying; but to get an even horse/wire race what is the price difference between the Kondo and WE as interconnect? Now how much ninth degree better does the Kondo sound to your wife? You like the WE better, correct? So like Day's colleague vote between Sablon (over $1,000) and WE ($80), it was a split decision, 2 votes for Sablon, 2 votes for WE, Day, tiebreaker for WE. So, the difference comes down to what presentation do you like better? The winner is your pocket if you like WE or Belden better. Me, I vote for WE16ga/Belden 8402. They beat all I have tried thus far and I don't feel the need to change. This combo is the best I have heard in my systems with my "Timbral Listening Bias". Best, Rob